Wednesday, January 26, 2011


i finally got through the stieg larsson trilogy. the third one, the girl who kicked the hornet's nest, was a really slow read for me. if i buzzed through it at the same rate i did the first two, you would have received this review about a month ago.

so...the first one gave me nightmares (but they didn't stop me from all the glorious suspense), i loved the second one, and it all kinda needed to come full circle in the third one. i really didn't care for it at all though. it was such a let down since the end of the second one made me wanting more so badly, and so immediately that i spent $25 on book numero tres because i was too impatient to go my normal route and order online for much less. and then it wasn't even exciting!  the end is satisfying, but the means toward it was just too long winded and tedious.

but that's just my opinion....and that's where i've been book-wise. i am so ready to be free of swedish last names for awhile.


  1. So awesome you just posted this! I JUST finished reading the first one in the series on my flight home. It took me a while to get into it, but once I did, I loved it!

    I'm going to download the next 2 on my kindle and get started right away :) Thanks for the book recommendations- I love them!

  2. Jamie has the same opinion as you about the third one.... dare I say, I liked the third better than the second????? I know! I am weird! I just really love govt. consipiracy theories and crap like that! Truthfully, I liked all three a lot. They are not my most favorite books ever- but good stuff all around. I am almost finished with "Little Bee" right now and so far, so good, but i heard it has a crazy ended so we will see what I think when I am done.

  3. This is hilarious - i finished the last one last night. I agree with you Emily I thought the third one was really good, but the second is definitely more action packed. I hated the last one at first (reading them chronologically is tough and I also got tired of the Sweedish last names...I don't even know how to pronounce "Blomkvist") but I started to roll throughout the last half. Good stuff...
