Monday, August 8, 2011

hi there!

I really don't have much to blog about, I'm just hanging out at home job searching. I find out if I passed the bar on September 13th, yikes!! I'm not sure if I'll be able to get a job before then, but here's hoping.

Oh...I must mention Pinterest. I am addicted. I am an addict. I can't stop!!! Join and experience the magic! Haha. Seriously. My dad the other night goes: "so is it like the beanie babies of 2011?" At first I really thought he was asking if it was some sort of website that sells cute stuffed animals, but I guess he meant: is it the new thing you and your friends are going to be psychotically obsessed with? So I answered affirmatively.


but pinterest is for grown ups and doesn't require my 12 year old self to have every hallmark retail store within a 20 mile radius' phone number memorized to call each tuesday morning and ask if a new shipment came in. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG, Tuesday calls to Hallmark!!! We probably ran into each other at one of those stores when Nuts the squirrel came out or something :)
