Bill and Cookie (my in laws) came up from Texas to celebrate the big day - on Friday night we we had italian food, cake and ice cream at our house:
then Mom, Cookie and I got pedicures on Saturday morning, followed by a great BBQ lunch from RJ's, then headed down to school to get pics before the ceremony since we had to turn in our *hot* (literally and figuratively) rented gowns immediately afterwards. Yay. Gotta love pictures. I look so awkward...I need to work on my "mom, please hurry" smile. Or I could work on my patience.
this picture is hysterical. no one can figure out the darned hood!!
Amy, I wish we could have found someone to take this pic so you could be in it! Also, I look like a football player.
My three best friends from school : Courtney, Nancy and Maggie. We all got to sit by each other during the ceremony and my family happened to be sitting right behind us!
I did it! And no, that purple thing around my neck is not a last minute scarf I threw on, it's my hood, choking me :). You carry your hood up to the stage and then the dean "hoods" you before you receive your diploma. This is all very surreal looking at these pictures. I can't believe it's actually over!
After gradumacation, we went to BRGR for dinner, and even though I fell out of the car when we got home and skinned my knee like a second grader, it was a great night!
The next day was mother's day, and it was the first time in six or seven years that Cookie was with one of her sons on mother's day, so it was pretty special! Great brunch at First Watch, dog park, and then over to my parents house for dinner. De-lish.
Taylor and the ladies of honor - our moms. :)
The pictures I took of the whole meal are not good, but hey, I got one pretty one of the veggies! Hahaha.....random way to finish this post off, but there you go! Sorry for being blog absent for so long, it's been so busy, but I will be back soon! xoxo - Molly Hartley , J.D.